Café Templado
Short film
Café Templado er en kortfilm basert på vår populære forestilling Morgenstemning fra samfunnets utstøtte som handler om hjemløshet og det å bo på gaten. Filmen har fått en ny historie som handler om et møte mellom to kvinner i krise. En norsk og en cubansk. Tekstmaterialet er som i Morgenstemning fra Ibsens diktning. I filmen benytter vi oss også av tekster fra Vigilio Piñera.
Denne lille poetiske filmen har gjort et imponerende sprang inn i filmverdenen de siste årene. I 2014 ble den vist i New York på Socially Relevant Film Festival, så ble den vist på filmfestivalen i Cannes, og siden på festivaler i Italia, i Bergen (BIFF) og i Havanna (Espacio Ibsen). I 2015 ble filmen vist to ganger, en gang på Teaterhuset Paradis (17.april i forbindelse med førjubileumsfest) og en gang for nye masterstudenter i samfunnsarbeid ved Høgskolen i Bergen, september 2015.
Short review of the film
by Lucie Tripon, New York, March 2014
“Should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee” would have said French writer and philosopher Albert Camus sitting in a French café. But we are in a Cuban-Norwegian co-production, so it is the Cuban poet Virgilio Piñera whose verses resonate in a bittersweet voice. Walking down the street, the poet’s messenger is a prostitute. She is of a beautiful grotesque elegance. She speaks as if she is chewing dirt. But the words she carries are sacred words. It is a goddess, a Pythia who is talking to us, the holy voice of the buffoon who spits directly in our faces as she declares:
“The curse of being completely surrounded by water condemns me to this café table”.
The café, the music of Edvard Grieg that we hear in the scenes of Café Templado, like a leitmotiv, bring us back endlessly to the same question; Why are we here and Why?
We are surrounded. L’absurde is all around us in Café Templado. It eats us all from head to toes, from Norway to Cuba, it is here like a pandemic. We are part of a ronde. From the first scene, we have embarked on the carousel of life and we are looking everywhere for a good seat, preferably near the middle, where it is not spinning too much, somewhere where we can seat quietly and drink coffee while reflecting on the world spinning around us like a mad man.
The Other is: Myself! Seem to be answering back to each other the two women in Café Templado. This is the majesty of existence, this is the magic of Café Templado, we are all the same universal human beings after all; Virgilio Piñera, Henrik Ibsen, Albert Camus or a prostitute. And at the end of the movie, we can finally seat and rest and contemplate our doomed existences with philosophy. “I am free as a bird” says the messenger staring at the sea all around her.
Lucie Tripon, fransk journalist og forfatter.