AproposTeater is an internationally oriented free theatre that works for social justice, biodiversity and climate action. Apropos Teater has produced creative theatre for 30 years in 2025, with a strong focus on important human dilemmas and struggles, and lately more into dealing with climate change and loss of biodiversity. The theatre does not mainly produce for people, but in dialogic collaboration and interaction with them, be it scientist from the social or natural sciences, pupils, elderly people, local communities, or festival/conference audiences. Some of our productions have reached a broad international audience through our combined effort of face-to-face interaction/performance/workshops, and filmmaking (fiction and documentary). Three of our productions have been screened internationally (in Norway, Italy, Azores, Cannes, New York, and Cuba), and our fourth screening at Socially Relevant Filmfest in NY.
Here we will shortly present 9 of our main projects/performances:
1. FOR(L)EDEREN - en bouffonforestilling
2. Symposium for fearless crisis management
4. sNOprint
5. The Magic Life of the Forest
6. Laudato Si
7. AWAKE - Listening
8. Morning Mood - from the Non-Pillars of Society
9. Apropos Clown

«I nattemørket i en pestbefengt by danser det frem et grotesk følge av spillende og syngende gjøglere som synes å ha blandet seg med syke, gale og vanskapte. Mange har blåsvarte ansikter, antagelig allerede angrepet av pesten, Svartedauen. De gliser av sitt eget spill og sine grove og ville påfunn: med desperasjonens latter skal den svarteste angst bekjempes. Men også med kirkens makt og ritualer, dels forvrengt og grensende til magi og overtro. Det er visuelt meget sterkt og virkningsfullt når Bergen Byspill med Forlederen gjenoppliver gufset av frykt og uhygge fra middelalderens mørkeste tid, byllepestens. Plassen foran den opplyste Korskirken, smauet og kirkegården er den beste scenografi som tenkes kan, med levende ild i fakler som ekstra belysning.» Sissel Hamre Dagsland, Bergens Tidende, 7.mai 1996.
«Det handler om angst, frykt, sykdom, usikkerhet og mistro. Vår egen hverdag, med andre ord: - Det er alltid så lenge siden, ellers så passer det ikke, brøler Forlederen selv - kledd i dødens klær, med likblekt ansikt og kulerunde svarte øyne: - Darwin tok feil. Menneskene stammer ikke fra apene, men de utvikler seg ivrig i deres retning.» Bård Ose, i BA, 1.mars 1996

Symposium for fearless crisis management
Apropos Teater’s Symposium-project involves two clowns, a symposiarch, rituals, emotions/passion for the ocean, concern around climate change and reduction of biodiversity. The audiences differ due to local context and matter, and would be ocean scientists, students, local fishers, and costal community members - as active co-creators - as we highly value voices/concerns from those directly affected by the mentioned changes. The Symposium offers a new take on these serious matters – by engaging all the senses and appealing to central virtues such as braveness, creativity, and ecocentric compassion towards our more-than-human world. In this project we are getting closer to the ancient Greek symposium – as a ritual initiation. With ocean scientists, and local stakeholders, we will co-create the contents and questions to be explored – in the series of Symposia that will be produced, at sea and in coastal communities in the North.

Apropos Teater´s project and film tackle the subject of climate change, focusing on the fact that the snow is melting, while meeting people in one of the few places where the snow is still secure, for now. The project is a response to the sorrow around the loss of snow and nature getting destroyed. Soon we might not be able to put our footprint in the snow, hence the NO in sNOprint. Celebrating the snow that is still here, but feeling sorrow that it might one day be gone. I believe that the art form of creating dialogue around this issue, with people you meet in the wilderness, is of interest to everyone who is fighting for the environment to be saved. Therefor we ask: How can we face the future through art, playfulness, new rituals, and brave dialogues?

The Magic Life of the Forest
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